2011 – 2014 Studio Photoshoots Uploaded
1 comment   Filed Under: Gallery - - -

Hey everybody! I am working hard to get all the sections in the photo gallery up-to-date. I have been working on the photoshoots section of the photo gallery and I have updated the gallery with 70 photoshoot photos of Sarah Jessica from 2011 through 2014. I am sure there are more photoshoots to be uploaded in those years, but this is just a start. I hope you enjoy and keep checking back for more updates!

P.S. I am currently re-organizing the photoshoots into years. So if that category looks messy, you know why.

Gallery Links
Studio Photoshoots > Photoshoots from 2011
Studio Photoshoots > Photoshoots from 2012
Studio Photoshoots > Photoshoots from 2013
Studio Photoshoots > Photoshoots from 2014