Ask SJP and Chris North
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Moviefone is holding their traditional Unscripted, this time with Sarah and Chris North, aka Mr. Big, from Sex and the City 2, and they need your questions!

Carrie Bradshaw went through her fair share of men during the run of the ‘Sex and the City’ series. But one stood out from them all: Mr. Big.

The now-married duo, played by Sarah Jessica Parker and Chris Noth, reunites for the second time on the silver screen on May 27, when ‘Sex and the City 2’ hits theaters. The sequel takes the girls — Samantha, Charlotte, Miranda and Carrie — to Abu Dhabi, where Carrie runs into her former fiance, Aiden, just as she and Big hit the two-year mark on their marriage, which seems to be lacking spark of late.

If you want to see Parker and Noth together again before the film, the sexy on-screen couple will be stopping by Moviefone on Sunday, May 16 to ask each other questions submitted by you! Ask them how they got to have such great on-screen chemistry. Find out their favorite memory from filming the HBO series together. Or see if a third movie is in the works for Parker — or both!

You can ask them anything you’d like, just make sure you submit your question in the comments section below before Friday, May 14 at 5PM and that you include your name, location and e-mail address. Come back here to see if your question was used during the interview. Good luck!

To submit your question, do it here.