Brunch with Joe Zee in NYC
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February 19 Sarah hosted a brunch with Joe Zee in New York City. Here is an article she did, and a picture at the event is at the bottom 🙂

Parker’s SJP NYC Dress
SJP: When Joe and I met about the campaign and what we wanted to achieve visually, we thought there’d be no one better than Oscar de la Renta. We went to him to design the dress for SJP NYC because he’s the best at what he does—he also designed the dress for Lovely. It just felt right and it was a real privilege.
JZ: Sarah’s so smart about everything that goes on in fashion that by the time we sat down she already had some ideas in mind. She wanted to do a mix of patterns and new Bohemia. Mr. de la Renta made a one-of-a-kind design—it was the first dress she put on and she just knew right away that this was the one she wanted to represent the brand. She wanted something that represented Sarah, Carrie, and New York City, all in a dress. So you can only imagine how much pressure that one dress had—but it turned out to be phenomenal.

To read the rest of the long interview, click here