Carrie Bradshaw Gives Up Her Manolos!
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Watch out Manolo Blahnik. You’ve been put back on the shelf.

While Carrie Bradshaw originally gave the heels their fame with her shoe obsession and fashion sense, it seem she’s moved on. In the upcoming “Sex and the City” sequel, Sarah Jessica Parker’s character has given up fawning over Manolos in favor of red soles from Christian Louboutin. Is this the result of too much complaining over unwanted fame from Mr. Blahnik? Either way, the “SATC”-obsessed are sure to attach their heel addiction to the iconic Louboutins just as fast as they did to those Manolos.

Though with H&M’s new collaboration with Jimmy Choo, it seems the two shoe houses just might be battling for attention, especially given the recent economic woes. Will you become partial to the more reasonably priced Choos or have the ever swoon-worthy red heels won you over?