Cover Alert : Fashion Summer Issue
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Sarah is on the cover of Fashion magazine’s Summer edition. I have to say, in my opinion this is one of her best covers yet this year. To view the cover, click on the image to the left.

On taking the gig as president and chief creative officer for Halstons accessible Heritage collection:

“I kept saying to them,‘This is a very unconventional approach, and won’t necessarily be looked upon as prudent thinking, and we have to prepare ourselves for that.’ I had to ask myself, Am I capable? I knew they were looking for a point of view, leadership and direction, and obviously great enthusiasm for the company and its potential.”
On dealing with the constant lens of the paparazzi and the pressure to look good:

“It’s just a part of our lives, and there are days when it feels really intrusive, and days you—I wouldn’t say make peace, but you reconcile that this is what it’s going to be like. I generally don’t dress thinking that I have to live up to a standard. It’s just not practical. There’s no time.”

On how her famous alter-ego Carrie Bradshaw inspired her scent SJP NYC:

“I wanted to capture a freeze-frame in Carrie’s life. A snapshot of her walking down her favourite street in the spring, in a floral dress.”