Cover Alert! Glamour (US) January 2010
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I meant to post this yesterday, but I didn’t have the time, so sorry for the delay! Sarah is going to be on the cover of Glamour next month! The shoot looks gorgeous. Doesn’t it feel weird to say 2010? 😉 Anyways check it out:

GLAMOUR: You’re promoting your new film, Did You Hear About the Morgans? Why did you want this role?

SARAH JESSICA PARKER: In all sincerity, Hugh Grant. I did do a movie with him years ago [1996’s Extreme Measures]. I don’t recall any real interaction with him, because I was working on a play in New York and would fly to do my scenes and fly right back. I understand that I allegedly played opposite him. [Laughs.]

GLAMOUR: So let’s get to your next film project: Sex and the City 2. How has Carrie evolved?

SJP: The first movie had a lot of sadness in it, and it was very brave about breaking the rules of romantic comedy. This one is very much the antidote for that: It’s a romp. It’s about the idea of women’s and men’s roles in marriage, and old traditions versus new ones. The story is really fun, but it’s also about something.

GLAMOUR: The married couple you and Hugh play in The Morgans is going through a rough patch. What’s the most important ingredient for getting through a tough spot in a marriage?

SJP: I never really talk about this because too many [people] speculate about my marriage, anyway!

GLAMOUR: Well, I think movies present a romanticized ideal of love. But you don’t get to see what happens after the film ends. What does love look like once you’ve been in a long-term relationship?

SJP: I think when you are younger, you get swept away by grand gestures…. When you have children and years invested, it’s much more complicated. It’s the day-to-day stuff: the kind of parent you are, the kind of partner you are. It’s the little and big things as opposed to just the big things. But you are not meant to know that when you are younger, so I don’t think anybody should regret the choices they made in their twenties.

To read the full article, and check out more SJP features on their site, click here

And here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure!!

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MAGAZINES/PHOTOSHOOTS > Magazines > 2009-2010 > Glamour (US) – January 2010