Feud Threatening SATC 2
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Now, keep in mind, that this is just a rumor. It came from a celebrity gossip site, so don’t take it too seriously. If I find out confirmation on this matter, then I will let you know 🙂

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall’s alleged ongoing feud is threatening the future of the second ‘Sex and the City’ movie.

The actresses – who didn’t get on when they filmed the six series of the TV show and the first movie adaptation in 2008 – are said to dislike each other so much they refuse to talk to one another, leaving the rest of the cast and crew feeling uncomfortable on set.

An insider said: “While the cast is all smiles on the outside, the level of dislike is unbelievable. No-one is having a good time on this shoot.”

Sarah – who plays Carrie Bradshaw – is believed to be growing increasingly stressed as she tries to combine filming with the demands of her six-year-old son James and baby twin daughters Marion and Tabitha, who were born via a surrogate in June.

The source added to Britain’s Star magazine: “The crew have taken to calling her ‘Carrie Sadshaw’. When she doesn’t have to be ‘on’ in her scenes, she looks so sad.”

Kim is also getting stressed and is making co-stars Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis dread coming into work.

The source said: “Kim has been taking every chance to snipe. You could cut the tension with a knife. Their fighting has also made Cynthia and Kristin miserable, too.”