Met’s ‘American Woman’ Exhibit
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Apparently Sarah will be narrating the Met’s American Woman Exhibit. She is very in demand these days, which is perfect for us!! 😉

Not only does Vogue love Sarah Jessica Parker so much that it put her on its highly coveted May cover to correspond with the Met’s “American Woman” show, but Wintour and the Costume Institute gang have also tapped the quintessential American lady to narrate the patriotic exhibit!

On Tuesday, Parker recorded the guide to the “American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity” exhibit, which looks at women’s clothing from 1890 to 1940 and homegrown style movements such as the Gibson Girls, bohemians, and screen sirens.

“Because of Sex and the City, she is so much associated with New York and with America, and with using fashion as a way to shape identity,” Costume Institute curator Andrew Bolton explains to WWD.

And really, who could possibly better narrate a fashion exhibit than Parker, who perfected the art of the breathy voice-over in her six seasons as the ever-contemplative Carrie Bradshaw!

Luckily, from what we’ve heard on the Sex and the City 2 trailer, it seems the girl still has the hair-raising narration skills in her!

“It’s been two years,” Carrie says in the trailer. “And in two years, amazing things can happen. Things you thought would never happen in a million years. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, it hits you. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

We can only hope her explanation of the importance of mutton sleeves is half as enticing.