More Sex and the City 2 Spoilers!
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We have more information regarding Sarah’s upcoming film, Sex and the City 2. I am getting so much more excited about this project!

Patricia Field, the movie’s stylist, spilled some secrets to People, joking that “It’s Star Wars for women all over the world.”

Regarding the 80’s costumes, she revealed:

“It was in the beginning of the movie. Carrie was waiting to meet her girlfriends and she was thinking about when she first moved to New York in the ’80s and how she met Samantha and Charlotte. They’re all, in real time, meeting to go shopping. And in her flashback time, she is thinking of when she first met each one of them.”

Perhaps the biggest question is whether or not Carrie Bradshaw will be expecting a baby, to which she remained mum.

“I don’t know. You’re going to have to see for yourself because then what’s the fun?”

Aw, I hope Carrie becomes a mom! What do you guys think? Share your opinions and thoughts in the comments below 🙂