More Updates From Sex And The City
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With Sex and the City 2 planning to go into production any time now, further updates have been released regarding the the sequel to last years big screen outing. Sarah Jessica Parker starred alongside Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Chris Noth as New York columnist Carrie Bradshaw in the Sex and the City movie.

Recently the actress spoke to press about next years sequel, and when questioned about rumours that Carrie will be pregnant she admitted to press that she still hadn’t seen a script:

“Well, first of all, I really don’t know because I haven’t seen a script. I know an outline.”

Of course, the press being the press, they -um- pressed her further:

“I know, I know. I can’t pretend anymore! I feel like you’re looking inside my soul. I won’t tell you.”

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