More Than the New Face of Halston?
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I’m really hoping that news in Sarah land will pick up soon, but for now I’m just going to post tidbits that you might find interesting. I’m also in the process of coding a new layout for the site since this one, although lovely, has been up for awhile. There will also be a few surprises in store as well, but you will just have to be patient for those 😉

Remember how we posted that SJP is the new face of Halston? Well, she might be something more. Check it out:

We hear that the Sex and the City fashion icon may end up with a much bigger role at the revived design house. A source tells us that Parker may actually land some sort of consulting gig with Halston. Titles being bantered about include creative director and design director.

No matter what—whether Parker is behind the scenes or her image is plastered in ads and promo material—Halston execs would be smart to bring her on board.

Just wearing a white Halston dress in the upcoming Sex and the City movie sequel garnered tons of press for them. In fact, another source says, “There’s quite a lot of vintage Halston in the movie.”

Plus, Parker has experience with the release of her own line, Bitten, about three years ago and has had megasuccess with her fragrance collection.

Parker’s rep did not a comment. A rep for Halston could not be reached.

So technically not official yet, so just mark it as a rumor until we hear more 🙂