‘SATC 2 is a caper’
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Hello Sarah fans!! Unfortunately, news in Sarah-land is painfully slow, so there really isn’t much to update with! 🙁 If you ever have anything to update with, don’t be shy and leave a comment! We love the help 🙂

Here is a little tidbit of the upcoming Sex and the City 2 film:

Sarah Jessica Parker has said that the upcoming Sex And The City sequel is a “romp” and a “caper”.

The actress told BBC Newsbeat that she hopes people will be excited about the upcoming romantic comedy.

Parker said: “I hope it’s worthwhile. It’s been going beautifully and it’s fun and exciting and very much an adventure.

“We’ve been shooting in Morocco for the past six weeks, we’ve just wrapped there. I still have some work to complete in New York but it’s been great and it’s really a romp, it’s really a caper this movie. I’m looking forward to people seeing it.”

She added: “[Director] Michael Patrick and I had a lot of conversations about whether to do a sequel. I think we just really want it to be good.

“We want it to be worth people leaving their homes for, we want to be worth the price of a ticket. That was the same goal for the first one and it kind of remains the same. I just want it to be good.”